So this started as a rant the other day.. it has now evolved into a much shorter gentler version... Here is what seems to be something I have dealt with a LOT lately. Mean and negative people and it seems like they are everywhere. It's not to say there are not a lot of positive happy people too but the negative mean ones have been really driving me nuts. I tend to think the reason this is so annoying to me is that I really try to be positive and always look at the situation I am given in the best light. I really feel like if your life sucks than there is always something you can do to make it better other than complain. I hate when people just complain and have a poor me, my life is harder than everyone else's attitude. So what I am trying to say I guess is suck it up and mean people suck and Karma will get you everytime.
I am grateful I don't have a bad attitude, that I can see the good in any situation and that I have so many wonderful people in my life. I really believe we choose how things turn out sometimes just by how we choose to handle the situation. So for those that aren't good at handeling things it sucks to be you. But the fact of the matter is that life is beautiful and it can be that way for everyone that so chooses. For all those people that are not very nice I am truly sorry you feel the need to be the way you are and it's no wonder your so unhappy. You deserve it..I know that isn't the nicest thing to say but I truly feel that way! I am very blest to have a very good life and many wonderful people and blessings in it. Which isn't to say bad tough things never happen cuz trust me they do, I just choose to not let them knock me down. So just in case you were wondering what I have been thinking about a lot lately there it is! Love all of you who are in my life and make it better!
So true, Tiff!! How funny because I just posted something very similar on my blog today about kindness and how even though people may be mean or rude to us, doesn't give us the right to do it back.
Seriously I thought all this was over after high school...and its mostly the super negative people! I just want to shake people sometimes...and remind them that it could be worse! :)
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